Fire-Safe Chimney Sweeps truck 2020

Fire-Safe Chimney Sweeps Builds, Cleans, Repairs, and Installs Chimneys, Fireplaces, Wood Burning Stoves, and Flues in Huntingtown

Fire-Safe Chimney Sweeps is the most experienced Chimney Sweep company serving Calvert County. Our 4th generation father and son business cleans, builds, installs, and services chimneys, wood burning stoves, flues, and fireplaces all over southern Maryland. If you need a chimney sweep in Huntingtown, Brighton Woods, Woodland Acres, Dunkirk, Owings, Friendship, Chaneyville, Lower Marlboro, or Sunderland, give us a call at 410-360-8460.

Huntingtown is known for its beautiful, single-family homes and larger property sizes. Fire-Safe Chimney Sweeps cleans, services and builds chimneys for all styles of Huntingtown homes including Colonials, ranch-style homes, Cape Cods, and contemporaries. You’ve probably seen our truck in the communities of Adelina, Barstow, Bowens, Chaneyville, Dares Beach, Dowell, Johnstown, Lower Marlboro, Mutual, Parran, Pleasant Valley, Port Republic, Scientists Cliffs, Stoakley, Sunderland, Wallville and Wilson. Call today to schedule your chimney inspection and cleaning.

Fire-Safe Chimney Sweeps removes chimney blockages caused by pests and wildlife

Birds nest blocking chimney flue

With access to the Chesapeake Bay and the Patuxent River, Huntingtown is a nature lover’s dream come true. Unfortunately, chimneys make great homes for our feathered friends and other wildlife (like bees). If you find nesting materials or honey dropping into your firebox, hanging from your chimney cap or crown, or on the ground near the base of your chimney, call Fire-Safe for an inspection before your next fire. Even if you do not use your fireplace often, it could be blocked with hive or nesting materials—a chimney fire waiting to happen.

Our family looks forward to the opportunity to service your Huntingtown fireplace and chimney. Call Fire-Safe Chimney Sweeps today at 410-360-8460, or use our Request Service form.

See more of our extensive service area.